Sunday, July 31, 2011


Last weekend Liam went home to visit for an extended weekend.

We went to the Seaway Festival parade with grandpa.

And then to the park to play.

We went camping and slept in a tent for the first time.

And swimming at the beach. You have to look closely but, yes, that is Liam's head just to my left. He walked right out until the water was up to his chin.

The ice cream truck stopped at the camp site... Sponge Bob style ice cream. What a country.

The next day Liam helped GG mow the lawn.

And then went for a boat trip with cousin Carter, who is training for the Olympics.

We took another ride on the 'slow' boat.

Monday, July 25, 2011


As you all know we are in the middle of a huge heat wave. Our AC doesn't work too well in the house and a few days ago Liam was really sweating it out. Jamie could tell how uncomfortable he was and was looking for a way to cool him off. I'm a moment of panic she said, "Just shave his head!" I jumped on that opportunity as quick as I could and about 15 minutes later we had this result.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Liam and Katherine are practicing their sharing skills. Liam was the motor this time around.