Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Liam had his two month docs visit today. He weighed in at 12.1 lbs and was looking good, but of course the two month visit means it was time for shots. His first vaccination was actually a drink but the final two were shots. The nurses gave them simultaneously so that he only had a single painful experience. We found out that he does indeed have nerve endings in his thighs because he broke out into a good solid cry. Actually, we think that he shed his first real tear. Came out of the corner of his right eye and quiver a bit on the edge as he sobbed. The crying only lasted about one minute though and then he was back to being happy Liam. That made Mom happy because she wasn't very excited about his shots either. She took it well though and kept him happy all day. Throughout the day he was a bit groggy and wasn't happy unless he was being held. He's fallen sleepy a tad early tonight and we expect him to be tired and under the weather for a little while.

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