Friday, October 30, 2009


"Now that I can eat real cereal my mornings are changing a bit. Here is my new schedule." - Liam

5:45 "I can't take it anymore, I need some food now! BREEEAASSSTTTT MIIIILLLLLKKKKK!!! YEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!"

5:55 "Mom, you look tired. I never understand why you and Dad try to sleep through the entire night. It's so boring."

6:10 "Mom offloads me onto Dad. She's always held a grudge that he gets to sleep in longer than she does so lately I've been helping her out by getting into her side of the bed to squirm around until he wakes up."

6:25 "Dad appears to be alive but I can't understand what he is grunting. No, I don't want that pacifier in my mouwwww...." *Spit "WAKE UP!!"

6:35 "I get to start eating cereal for breakfast now. I'm a rice man so far but I was hoping to try a banana soon. I've also been eyeing the left over chocolate cake lately."

6:50 "A kiss goodbye from momma even though Dad has me covered in rice cereal. Go bring home the bacon momma! Preferably in a processed mush that I can eat?"

7:00 "Dad is in the bathroom and I like to take this time out of the day to laugh uncontrollably to myself."

7:15 "Dad smells better and is dressed, which means it's time to play Bear Attack! I'm the victim and the bear always wins by TKO after a series of raspberries."

7:25 "Don't put those clothes on me yet Dad, you might want to check my... yeah, you can smell it."

7:35 "Dad, you realize I'm sitting on the floor between two bags? WHAT AM I?? YEEOOOWWWWWWWW!! HURRY!!!!"

7:35 "What hat am I going to wear today? Teddy bear with flaps, check! Let's roll!"

7:55 "OK, in the car, time to take a quick..." *snore

8:05 "Arriving at Julie's house. Time to start giggling. What are we going to do today?"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Liam, we've been wondering about your mornings.
