Thursday, November 19, 2009


Liam had his first rollover this week. Nothing too special about it but he did rollover 4 or 5 more times that night. I guess once you start rolling it's hard to stop.

He went from his belly to his back each time and came close to going to other way but couldn't quite make it.

The best part about all of this is that he is now very capable of rolling off his changing table if we forget to buckle him in. Can't wait for the massive guilt I'll be able to carry the first time I let him roll his way into danger!


  1. Now that Carter has realized he can roll over he is doing it all the his crib, in his bouncy seat, in his car seat (he tries).

    He automatically rolls onto his side when we put him down at night. He twists & rolls so much that he is findign himself wedged into the corner.

    I am tempted to build frame work around a much larger bed so he can roll and twist all he wants and not become ensnared.

    Col, your last paragraph sounds very much like a story your father told me that happened about 29 or so years ago (give or take a month).

  2. Yeah and the massive guilt is still there every time Col does something strangeeee!
