Monday, January 4, 2010


New Year's Eve was highlighted by matching polar bear shirts. One of us looked cute wearing it and the other two looked a bit strange. Jamie did keep her's clean though as I spilled wine and Liam drooled all over his.

The Little Man stayed up late but not late enough to be to see the new year in. He had a different plan though and he was up with his mother to wish her well at about 2:00 am.


  1. A Polar Bear theme has been very appropriate of late. How thoughtful of Liam to think of his Mommy like that.

  2. Shel Silverstein - Bear In There
    There's a Polar Bear
    In our Frigidaire--
    He likes it 'cause it's cold in there.
    With his seat in the meat
    And his face in the fish
    And his big hairy paws
    In the buttery dish,
    He's nibbling the noodles,
    He's munching the rice,
    He's slurping the soda,
    He's licking the ice.
    And he lets out a roar
    If you open the door.
    And it gives me a scare
    To know he's in there--
    That Polary Bear
    In our Fridgitydaire.
